
Local private lodges, whether constituted as associations or not, are the members of the Grand Liberal Lodge Association.
The national bodies are the Board of Directors (that is the “Executive Council”), the Assembly of the Representatives of the lodges, the Board of Arbitrators and the Board of Auditors.

The Executive Council is chaired by the Grand Master and is the administrative body of the association. The Assembly of the Representatives of the lodges, also called the “Grand Assembly”, consists of the Worshipful Masters and the Wardens of each associated lodge. It constitutes the legislative and deliberative body of the association; when summoned as Electoral Assembly, it elects the national officers.

The Board of Arbitrators and the Board of Statutory Auditors are control organs. Namely, the Board of Arbitrators, also called “Judges”, is in charge of carrying out disciplinary procedures according to the specific Regulations approved by the Grand Assembly. The Board of Statutory Auditors keeps control over the financial administration of the association.

The Grand Liberal Lodge of Italy guarantees the autonomy and sovereignty of the associated lodges in their Masonic activity, not imposing constraints on the choices of the lodge, provided that the rules of the Masonic Tradition, stated in the Constitutions of the Order and in the Association by-law, are observed.

The Grand Liberal Lodge of Italy coordinates the associated lodges, organizes meetings and researches in the masonic field, cultural events either public or reserved to members, and takes care of relations with other Italian and foreign masonic organizations, thus promoting mutual knowledge and social relations, in order to constitute a true centre of fraternal union.

Why A New Grand Lodge

Those who try to learn about the presence of masonic organizations in Italy, the so-called “obediences”, are certainly baffled by the large number of Grand Lodges and Grand Orients operating in Italy. The fragmentation of Italian Freemasonry is evident – just do a search on the web – and the confusion is not lacking…

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The Grand Master

The new Grand Master of the Grand Liberal Lodge of Italy is Sister Luisa Ceravolo.

Humanistic education (Ancient Literature), professional career in the commercial area of an American multinational in the IT sector and then as a consultant in an application area relating to business flows and organisation….

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The Grand Liberal Lodge of Italy is a community of masonic lodges of men and women which work the first three degrees of symbolic Freemasonry: Entered Apprentice, Fellowcraft and Master Mason.
The Grand Liberal Lodge is regularly established as an association, according to the laws of the Republic of Italy.

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The Executive Council

The Grand Dignitaries and some of the Grand Officers of the Grand Liberal Lodge are the members of the Executive Council. The Executive Council is the administrative body of the Grand Liberal Lodge of Italy, and coincides with the Board of Directors of the Association. It is composed by a maximum of 10 members…

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