Today 6th September, the Most Powerful Brother Renzo Canova, Sovereign Grand Commander Emeritus of the Supreme Council of Italy and San Marino, and in his life a well-known accountant, entered the Celestial Lodge. Many of our members remember him when he held the role, from 1987 to 1995, of Sovereign Grand Commander Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Italy of the A&AFM. (Palazzo Vitelleschi). During that time, having collected the difficult inheritance of the re-founder of the Grand Lodge of Italy the M.W Bro. Giovanni Ghinazzi, he introduced important innovations in the internal administration favoring its modernization, and worked for an externalization of the Order, promoting public meetings, founding the publishing company EDIMAI (Edizioni Massoniche Italiane) and by starting the publication and distribution of the magazine Officinae, the official organ of the Grand Lodge of Italy. With a large-scale operation and involving the entire Obedience he managed to provide the Grand Lodge of Italy with a highly prestigious national headquarters, located in the historic centre of Rome. A man of great culture and passionate about philosophical studies, he was a leading figure in Italian Freemasonry, known and esteemed in Italy and abroad. In 2000, due to internal conflicts, he left the Grand Lodge of Italy along with several Brethren and founded a new Order still operating in various cities of Italy, the Supreme Council of Italy and San Marino, with administrative headquarters in Bologna, his city of residence. We extend our deepest condolences to the Brothers and Sisters of the Supreme Council of Italy and San Marino.